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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Manga Face: Noses

Even Voldemort had a nose.

It was flat.

But it was still a nose.

           The blue nose in 3/4 view is a sketchy representation of a human's actual nose. On top of the blue, I barely traced the bridge and the inner nostril. I often omit the bridge of the nose on girls to give them a more petite look.

        On a face, make sure your noses are on straight by lining up the tip with your character's temples. This is also handy when placing the mouth, which by magic lines up with the jaw angle.

Below the side profile. as shown in the first head, locate the eyes by drawing a line across from the top of the ear, then you'll be able to create the dip and nose.
         All of my full-on faces have two curving lines to indicate nostrils, nothing else, but the occasional shadow. The Temple/Jaw rules magic works here, too! On guy faces I will generally lower the nose just a tad. If you lift it or drop it, don't let it plummet; make sure it's still in a believable/pleasing location in association with the rest of the features.

RT= My general style

Petite= used only for girls

Minimalist= if my character is further away, or I want to draw more attention to the eyes or mouth

Shadow= I don't use this one a lot, but usually for my androgynous characters.

        The straight on noses aren't really unique, but you can add a shadow or change the size to differentiate your character. When your character's are 3/4, as they will be for the most of your manga, or side profile, Then you can add a little more personality.
       It's most valuable to practice drawing a 3/4 view nose, because it's used most frequently. All three views are a cinch when you remember the Temple/Jaw rule:   Nose ---> Temple, Mouth ---> Jaw.
(I tried to think of some mnemonic, but couldn't. :P )

Noses aren't a highlight, but they're necessary- even Voldemort had a nose

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Anime Chibi Couples 2.0

Chibi-fying makes everything cuter, even the couples. Whether they're on a friend-date or are going steady, it's fun to draw! The interaction is always a mix of sweetness, drama, and trust; So if you don't have a love life, you can draw it instead. xD

The biggest date-night whoop-di-do in America is probably Prom. The flashy dresses, colors and overall energy (depends on the prom you go to :P) make it a great scene to draw, and you can simplify it by making everything Chibi, which can go two ways: Either your chibis are semi realistic, and just cuter than regular manga, OR you can play up the bows and ruffles and chibi-ness for a comical effect, like kids' dress up.
Some people want to be there; others don't. Some dress fairly casual, others- dress to the NINES. *sough**squints at older sister**cough* Since it's your picture, you decide. Frankly, my favorite part about Prom this last year was the dress-up part and the food. With all the people gathered in one place, dressed up and generally having a good time, all I wanted to do was sit down and sketch them, but my older sister kinda threatened me that if I didn't dance with three guys she'd take my backpack (which, yes, I brought, and yes, I am a dork) away. I couldn't lose my backpack.
 A nice extra; Rhonda and Aden as a modern married couple! Sometimes I feel like manga artists forget they exist, but they do, and in this exceedingly-increasing-divorce-rate time, there are still happy ever afters(I'm a dork, remember?), like my mom and dad, and my grandparents, who have the best marriage relationship I've ever seen.
In married vs dating, drawing familys/newly weds there is so much more drama, and sweetness, and trust (If it's happy, anyway. If you want to draw marriages where the husband is cheating and the mom takes heavy drugs to compensate, that's your call bro).
Off that dark note, I do believe that marriage is important, and in happiness in marriage and that it's a real accomplish-able thing.

PS I super relate to the painting session in the corner because do you knOW HOW MANY PAINTBRUSHES I CAN FIT IN MY HAIR BUN??

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Draw a Chibi in three steps

Chibis can be as small as two heads tall, but I prefer a four-head tall semi-chibi style.
Step one: Pencil
Here is a quick 3-step pencil drawing of avatar Korra. I use the same basic blocks for chibis as I do regular manga, just chibis are chubbier. I have more in-depth posts on this step, How to chibi 1 and HtC 2. Keep everything super simple, and use as few wrinkles as possible.
Drawing lightly will make everything easier to erase when you ink your chibi, which is the next step:

Step two: Ink
Here I have inked Beckah (aka me) from my Webtoon Not so Generic, in three different pens. Which one you choose depends on what you like; the thick lines of the technical pen pop out of the page, but I like the variation of the G pen best.
If you're doing a simpler chibi, then thick lines are the best bet for a character that stands out and doesn't look too complex. ;)

Step three: Color
My friend Hunter, bc friends are great art models, though they don't ever know it. xD
You may choose colored pencil or paints, but I prefer markers. Remember the order of base, darks, and highlights, whichever you choose! If you follow the tut of Korra at the top, and follow the next 2 steps, remember to send me a picture!