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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Colored Pencil: The dreaded third attempt

So... You've heard that I haven't touched a colored pencil in two years, right? Weellll.... That's changing now. I have already drawn my third attempt! *over flowing with tears of accomplishment*
It's actually not much. But it's not a person, It's a dragon!

... You knew I'd sneak in a person somehow... I took the idea of my dragon from a picture in Neondragon's book Evolution on drawing dragons, which is AMAZING, by the way. It really doesn't matter if  you're into drawing dragons, or manga; if you're interested in drawing at all you should go check it out; it's probably in your local library!

My third attempt isn't half so bad, even if I didn't dare color in the background. I used prismacolor colored pencils and used a variety of browns and reds- but I then realized that the definition wasn't enough! The reds were too alike and there were no distinct lines. So I got a purple pencil and went over the lines; but there still wasn't much contrast. What color should I use now? Blue. I went over the whole dragon with indigo creating a MUCH better contrast and then making the dragon rider blue along with the dragon's tongue. 
I was very pleased with the turnout, and have decided maybe I can use colored pencils after all. 

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