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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Anime Chibi furries

Chibis are fun to draw, but it's even funner when you have variety. How would it be if everyone drew the same gender, same outfit, some pose every single time? You get my point.
Another way to add something different, besides clothes, gender, pose, race and grouping, is making them furries. Chibi furries can be really cute, and in my opinion, cats are the cutest.
Here I drew a few( with limited colors) and then had two at the bottom of both genders in the bare 'skeletal' form. just like chibi girls' heads are bigger, so are their ears and tails... generally.
 Here are a few more. My staple furry to draw is the snow leopard, quickly seconded by the Jaguar and the wolf. So have some fun with your chibis and shake things up by making them furries. Maybe try some of the poses in my Chibi Couples post here.

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