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Friday, October 28, 2016

Spanish Manga Chibi Comic

Hola mi amigos! If you are studying another language, why not? Creating this Chibi comic in espanol was really helpful for me to understand the tenses of Spanish words.
La gente, les presento a mi cómico español: Tres en una acera.
 I really like how I balanced the whites and blacks in this scene, and in the first panel my littlest sister understood they were in a restaurant, which was my goal.

 The balance is askew in this one, but I used differentiation in line width to up the understand-ability of the chibis needing to be focused on. Both of these chibi comic pages I am including in my inktober portfolio, which puts me only a couple of days behind. :P Use babblefish or the like if you want to translate, it should give you a rough I idea of what's going on at least. Internet translators are faulty at best.


Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you think of my art!