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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Group Dates, Introverts, and Comics

Ah, February. Valentines and chocolates and love and... what is that plushy thing??
Anyway, I don't know all about that but Imma write you some fluff today.

Last weekend my older sister and I were going to a dance together, and she already had a group date planned- and planned on me and my nonexistent-at-the-time-date to make up the other pair for a board game party.
I stands for Introvert, and I the introvert, overthought about how to ask someone out, and while I was debating word choice, I had a epiphany! Maybe I wasn't great at asking a guy out, but I WAS a good comic maker. I created the following comic to ask one of my awesome artist friends to go with me.

After I sent it I had to go to work. I wouldn't know his answer until after the day ended. My idea was that he wouldn't type back( Everyone does everything over facebook nowadays) but would fill in the word bubble. He didn't.
... Instead he sent a comic of his own. :DDD
He has his own webtoon under Presley with funny and #relatable comics. (my favorites are 3, 9, 11, 12 and the Q&A special)
We met up at the dance later, and I had a great time playing games( Uno what I mean) and talking about art. :P So I got to have fun and you get to have a new comic. Happy? I am. XD


  1. Aww! That is so cute!!! I love the comic!!!!!!!! So cute!!!!!!!!!!! XD Your artist friend sounds sweet. :)

    I'm glad you had fun at the dance. :)

    By the way, did you make this comic on paper or online? It looks so cute and professional.

  2. I'm not the best with digital art programs( lack of practice syndrome), so i usually sketch, scan and then draw over on the computer. This one I created with Manga Studios; it's layout is super organized and helps me keep the panels seperate.

    1. Lol! "Lack of practice syndrome," that's a good one. XD I think I sometimes have the same thing...

      Cool! Do you have to pay for it? It sounds super helpful!

    2. Yes, I bought it; but I bought the 4ex version( not the newest one) two years ago during black Friday and got it much cheaper than the original price. I wouldn't suggest it for a starting art program. I hadn't had much experience on other programs and the complex interface overwhelmed me just a bit.

    3. Thanks for telling me! You're so helpful all the time! :3


Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you think of my art!