Navigational Pages

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sketch Dump

I haven't done one of these in awhile. Anywho, here are all the projects I've been working on recently.

 This character that dominates these last couple of pictures doesn't quite have a name yet, but she's been on my mind a lot lately. It's all fuzzy right now, but she's some type of hit-man/assassin that is working undercover in the resistance. 'Cause of her I'm drawing a lot more ponytails.

She kinda scares me, but at the same time she fascinates me- she is my own character after all.


  1. Wow! I just love all of these!!! XD They are all so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!

    That couple up there is so cute. ^.^ They look kinda like they were laughing together. :3

    The third picture you have is so awesome! Somehow you made that kid look so cute and innocent with just a few lines.

    I like the girl with ponytail! She looks and acts so rough round the edges but for some reason I think she is going to be super loyal underneath. I dunno, that just the vibe I get from her. XD

    I also really like the faces you drew in blue! My fave is the ones with the 15 by it and the the face near the girl.

    You're are so good at art! Keep it up!

    1. Whoa. Your powers of perception are frightening: you are spot on about the girl-with-the-ponytail. ;) I've been thinking of calling her Rhonda.
      thank you for the compliments! Your encouragement really makes my day!

    2. Lol! XD Maybe it's cause I have writers for siblings! XD I know story and character stuff! XD But thanks!

      Oooh! Cool name! I could see her having that name. :)

      You're so welcome! C: Aww, I'm glad. <3


Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you think of my art!