Navigational Pages

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Chibi doodle

It's been a crazy week with little time for art. :/ These are little doodles I drew by asking my siblings for one word to illustrate.


  1. Ahh! You changed your blog background!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!! So pretty... XD

    (That's, like, one of the first things I thought of when I clicked you blog... XD )

    Aww, your chibis are so darn cute! Teehee, the chibi cutting her hair. <3 She looks so determined.

    And the faun! I love fauns!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The nymph... :3 So much hair. Wait- is she crying?! Aww, poor little nymph. :(

    You flame is fabulous! Did you look at a picture for help? 'Cause it looks awesome!

    I like the hacker's mask. >.<

    (By the way, there was a little miss-up with my comment moderation on my blog. I didn't realize I needed to put my email address in. I thought it would send me the comments automatically. So if you commented, I'm sorry but it probably got lost... :( Sorry again!)

    1. Okay, thanks for notifying me! ... I spelt 'faun' wrong... didn't I? XD Thank you so much for all the detailed comments on each! The nymph is crying bc her forest was burnt to the ground. That's her life line, and she only has one last plant to protect, one last tie to life( that's what she's holding. It is a messy pic tho).
      I like changing my background when I feel like something new is in order ;) I love it too!
      And nah, I didn't look at a picture for the flame, I'm just around fire often. *mischievous chuckle* ;)

  2. Hi!!

    I love your art! It's so good, and it inspires me to do better :)

    I was also wondering what you use to color your art. Do you color them digitally, or do you use something like markers?


    PS: This is TFKitty from NaNoWriMo ;)

    1. Hey Kitty! :)
      I should have mentioned in the post; I colored these with blick manga markers. They're probably the cheapest out there, and I have a small collection of markers from prismacolor, blick and utrecht. They are my traditional art-tool-of-choice, but I also use prismacolor markers sometimes.

    2. My digital art is not this good XD


Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you think of my art!