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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Illustrated Quote

Saw this quote on Pinterest and it really hit home!
'I am under no obligation to make sense to you.'
In my ten-year-old self's journal I declared that I would be a Farm clown when I grew up.
... I'm still not sure what that is.


  1. Teehee! I love this quote. (I feel the same way. XD )

    Your ten-year-old self sounds adorable! ^_^ I think we would've been best friends if we had met each other when we were ten. I was a strange child... >.< XD

    I love the colors you used on this work of art. The contrast between the black and white and the bright colors is cool. :)

    1. I'm sure we could've been! 'You're weird. I like it.' :P
      Thank you! :D

    2. Lol! "You're weird. I like it." Is that a quote? (It makes me think of a quote from Teen Beach Movie, only a little different. XD )

      You're welcome!

      (By the way, I started my own blog. It only has one post so far. XD I just thought I'd let you know. :3 )

  2. A farm clown is an excellent and worthy pursuit, I'm quite sure.


Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you think of my art!