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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Q&A Tag: about me

I was tagged by Chloe on her  blog, Faeries and Folklore, to answer 11 questions about myself; sadly, I won't be passing it along because the bloggers I know prolly wouldn't do this... :P

1. If your life was a book genre, what would it be and why?
Well, it is and it's non-fiction. xD Jk!
I would probably enjoy a bit of magic, so Fantasy, but with modern items like air conditioning. I can camp for weeks at a time and I've done 'character building' assignments like the BSA's lone wolf where you have to survive by yourself in the wilderness for three days- but if I'm being honest, I'd much rather have all my luxuries. 

2. Who is your biggest fictional hero?
Hmm... I have quite a few, because they're all great in different ways, and no one of them is an absolute model of who I want to be. Harry Potter and Hermione were definitely my #1s for a long time, because I grew up with those books. Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet from Pride and prejudice are probably the closest characters (besides Beatrice from much ado about nothing) I relate to. I KNOW if I thought about it longer I could come up with more. :/
I GOT IT. Faramir. Definitely the 'book' faramir from LOTRs. (I'm certain I spelt his name wrong)
3. If you could be famous for only one reason, what would it be?
May I pick several? I'd probably get a kick out of being famous for any of these:
1) My art, 2) being a superstar, 3) Hacking skillz 4) Being a super villain

4. What's your favorite dream you have ever had?
Frankly my dreams aren't great, so... Idk. I try to avoid them nowadays, but a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I dreamt of getting on the Hogwarts train- Hagrid gave me a pet dolphin.

5. What Bible verse is speaking to you right now?
I've always loved Isiah 53:3-6

6. What is your favorite drawing style?
Obviously manga. :P

7. What is your favorite childhood memory?
8. What's your favorite TV show?
I have two:
1) The last air-bender
2) BBC's Sherlock

9. What's your favorite book of all time?
I'm not sure. There are fiction works I love, and then there are the scriptures, and the writings of Socrates,or really enthralling history books. So it's really hard to choose. I really love Harry Potter, I know that.

10. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Telepathy and the interception of others' thoughts at will. Or invisibility, I'd go for that too.

11. If you found a magical portal and you could choose where you'd want to go, where would you go?
Since this is magical that means I can go fictional places too? Well then, my own stories. xD
Here on Earth? England.

That was a wordy post; here are some chibis. What are your answers to the questions?

 Chibi Avatar Aang! If you haven't watched the last airbender, it's REALLY good. And you should. You can even come over to my house and watch it with me in my blanket fort if you bring snacks. ;)

The nympth on the left was drawn a year ago, and the one on the right was a redraw a couple of days ago.
Head up: The last Sketch dump post was revised and updated with two pics.


  1. I love the chibi Avatar Ang!!! My sister and I are currently re-watching all of the Legend of Kora and The Last Airbender!

    Could you do a chibi Kora? That would be AWESOME!

    1. Sure thing! The last airbender show is definitely my favorite. :)

    2. I love them both, but Kora has to be my favorite... (I have to say, Ang's lemur is my fave from that series. From Kora it's Tenzin's little son who "tames all the lemurs.")

  2. So sorry I didn't comment on this sooner! :'( I kinda took a unsaid hiatus from blogging for a month or so.

    Thanks so much for doing the tag!

    Yeah, it'd be cool to live in a fantasy world but with all the luxuries of plumbing and air conditioning and whatnot. :)

    To me your famous for your art. <3 You draw so awesomely.

    XD A pet dolphin would rock!

    I'll have look up that verse sometime. :)

    Yeah! Go manga! XD

    I just started watching The Last Airbender this past year. My friend owns the first whole Airbender show. So we watch it when we get together. I'm only done the first season but I love it. :D Aang is so cute. XD

    Those are some cool superpowers! Teleportation would be a top one for me, along with flying. :D

    Going to England would be amazing! Actually, I'd be happy to go almost anywhere in Europe. :)

    Aw, I love your chibi Aang! It looks so much like him. :D

    Both water nymphs look so cool! I like the way the second one's hair looks like water. :D

    1. Aw, thank you!! Hopefully the hiatus doesn't last too long? I'm going to be camping this week, but I'll be working on my next blog posts. :)

    2. You're welcome! Yeah, hopefully! XD Ooo, what fun! I hope you have a blast at camp! :)


Leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you think of my art!